
NLite: An Effective Acne Treatment. BBC Review

6 February 2014

Read What BBC says about Nlite: An Effective Acne Treatment

The NLite laser device, designed to treat acne has been received as a overwhelming success during UK Government Clinical trials, to the pleasure of not only the scientific team performing the trials but also to the acne sufferers receiving the NLite treatment.

The NLite laser technology was developed at the University of Wales, and produced substantial improvements to acne patients.

Acne Results were impressive. After five-minute session with the NLite produced a 50% improvement among a number of the 41 people taking part.

The trials were run at Hammersmith Hospital London under the clinical guidance of Professor Tony Chu, Consultant Dermatologist, who is known for his expertise in the field of acne and its causes. Professor Chu said he was ‘stunned that 10 of the patients were completely cured of acne’.

The consultant dermatologist said he had reservations about such laser devices and their effectiveness however this was substituted by praise and delight following the trials.

Prof Chu said that “this really is the first major advance in acne treatment in 30 years.”
The NLite laser is available at selected independent dermatology clinics within UK and is something that the Government may consider introducing under the NHS. This trial gives evidence for further investigation and a significant step forward.

UV Light treatment for acne was previously investigated by The Hammersmith Hospital however they concluded the UV light source was not a long term solution for acne.

The NLite is a success story for its manufacturers Photonics, based at Llanelli, South Wales.

The male and female patients taking part had all failed to respond to other acne treatments prescribed by NHS.

Treatment design and outcome.
Each patient received one NLite ntreatment using the NLite laser and they were monitored for three months.

• 81% of patients had undergone a significant improvement and
• 58% of patients tested, the acne present had been reduced by 50%.

Independent dermatology clinics recommend and offer a course of treatment of up to three sessions for optimum results.

NLite has also been marketed in the United States for wrinkle treatment as it boosts collagen generation to plumb up the skin in the case of acne scarring to create a smoother appearance.

Skin Medical is a Manchester based dermatology practice users Nlite Laser for patients aged 16 years and above. This clinic is run by clinicians and employs only doctors and nurses to perform consultations and treatments.

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