

13 March 2017

PCOS Is a condition which affects how a woman’s ovaries function which can cause excessive hair growth, acne and acne scarring .There are three main features of the condition including: cysts that develop in your ovaries, ovaries not regularly releasing eggs and having high levels of ‘male hormones’ (androgens). Your GP will diagnose if you have at least two of these symptoms, however it’s important to note that you can have PCOS without having cysts on your ovaries. Also, be reassured that all women have androgens. It’s fluctuating levels which can cause problems such as:

  • irregular periods – which means ovaries don’t regularly release eggs
  • excess androgen – high levels of “male hormones”, which may cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair and acne
  • polycystic ovaries – ovaries become enlarged and contain many fluid-filled sacs (follicles) which surround the eggs (however despite the name, PCOS ovaries don’t actually have cysts)


PCOS affects each woman differently and should be diagnosed by your GP. However if you do have PCOS you are likely to have some or all of the following symptoms:

  • Weight gain
  • irregular or no periods
  • Excessive hair growth (typically on the face, chest or abdomen)
  • Oily Skin
  • Acne
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Thinning hair or hair loss on head

Whilst the exact cause of Polycystic ovaries syndrome is unknown, it is thought that it’s associated with abnormal hormone levels in the body, including high levels of insulin. It’s also often a hereditary condition, so it’s important to check if any close female relatives have had it.


Suffering with PCOS you are likely to gain weight and it may become a challenge to sweat these pounds off our bodies quicker than we want to. Findings have shown that women with PCOS have some type of dysfunction in the cells responsible for secreting insulin. These cells are responsible for detecting sugar in the blood stream and may react excessively, creating more insulin than is needed. This means that more glucose is stored as fat, hence why we put on weight. A helpful website for suffers http://www.pcosdietsupport.com/

Following these simple diet changes will help PCOS suffers with their weight gain

  • Dairy free
  • Low GI with a low Glycemic Load
  • Balanced in terms of carbs and protein
  • Free of refined foods and sugars
  • Low in saturated fats
  • A low GI diet can help control symptoms and moderate insulin levels.

managing PCOS

Many women with PCOS also struggle with acne breakouts because our sebaceous glands (which are located within the hair follicle) secrete oily substance to lubricate and waterproof the skin. This then leads to the formation of unattractive and painful pimples on our skin.

Here at Skin Medical we have help with some of the issues facing PCOS  suffers such as

  • laser hair removal or electrolysis for unwanted hair
  • VASER body contouring for those stubborn areas of fat
  • A range of chemical peels or NLite laser for active acne
  • Co2 fractional laser for acne scarring.

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