
The Many Benefits of Medical Micro dermabrasion

9 February 2016

Many people will have heard of the term micro dermabrasion, but aren’t entirely sure what it is, the results that it can achieve and whether or not it is the right procedure for them. Medical micro dermabrasion has many, many benefits that you will be able to take full advantage of when visiting Skin Medical.


If you are looking for a treatment to refresh your skin, without enduring a more invasive procedure such as a chemical skin peel, then micro dermabrasion could be the right treatment option to address your needs. The treatment only targets the surface of the skin, so the abrasion doesn’t reach anywhere past the outer epidermis. Micro dermabrasion works by a practitioner using a hand-held machine to pass crystals over the skin. Light suction then removes the crystals, along with the dead skin cells that have been exfoliated away, leaving the fresh, healthy skin underneath.


If you have a low threshold for pain, you don’t have to be worried about choosing medical micro dermabrasion, as it isn’t a painful procedure. You may feel a mild scratching sensation whilst it is being performed, however it isn’t an intense feeling that will leave you uncomfortable. There is no need for the use of anaesthetic to carry out this procedure, as it causes very little trauma to the skin. After the treatment, your skin may be pink and a little swollen, however the effects rarely last more than a day. You can remedy this by simply applying moisturiser, preferably one with SPF protection.


Not only is micro dermabrasion quick to perform, but there is also no downtime afterwards. Typically, treatment times will be around 30 minutes long, however you may need a number of session in order to get the best results. Once the procedure is completed, you can immediately continue with your normal daily activities.

Suitable for all Skin Types

There are a number of treatments out there that aren’t recommended for certain skin types, however medical micro dermabrasion is gentle, therefore making it suitable for all. It can be used to help with a number of skin conditions including lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin pigmentation, acne and acne scarring.

Safe, Yet Effective

When performed by a qualified aesthetic practitioner, micro dermabrasion is an extremely safe procedure, that can give you amazing results. If you are thinking of having the treatment, it is advisable for you to visit a clinic where you will be treated by a medically qualified member of staff, as they are much more highly regulated than a high street salon, where your safety cannot be guaranteed. Choosing a highly qualified medical professional can help you to avoid any complications, whilst getting the best results.


To find out more information about medical micro dermabrasion, or to book a consultation, visit our contact us page, or call our Manchester skin clinic on 0161 839 7663.


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