
Step Up Your Skin Care Routine this January

8 January 2016

January is the perfect time for making resolutions. And when it comes to taking care of yourself, one of the most rewarding, yet easy to maintain resolutions is to take care of your skin. Not only can a good skin care routine help give you a clearer complexion, but it can also give you that youthful glow that we all strive for.

Taking care of your skin doesn’t have to be complicated. Following a few simple tips can help give you much healthier, clearer skin.

Make sure you have fully removed your make-up

One of the biggest contributors to bad skin is clogged pores, often caused by make-up residue. Many women depend on make-up wipes, which can do more harm than good for your skin. Purchase a quality face wash and ensure you wash your face morning and night, working on all areas of your face. Also, get into the habit of washing your face after exercise. A great way to give your skin an added glow is with microdermabrasion. Using specialist skin care equipment, crystals are passed over the face to remove old dead skin cells and reveal a new layer of fresh, radiant skin beneath. Schedule to have this procedure done 3-4 times a year to keep your skin looking fresh and youthful.

Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise!

Investing in a good cleanser, toner and moisturiser is a brilliantly inexpensive way of maintaining healthy, radiant skin. Cleansing helps to remove excess oils and impurities from your surface of your skin and prepares it for the other steps in your skincare regime. Not only does a toner remove any excess oil and dirt left behind by your cleanser, it also nourishes and hydrates your skin, whilst restoring its natural pH balance. Properly hydrating your skin with a quality moisturiser locks in all the goodness that keeps your skin supple and glowing. Not only does it combat flaky, dry skin but also has substantial anti-ageing benefits.

Don’t Pop those Pimples

Whether you suffer from acne, or just have a stray pimple, try to resist popping them. Though it may be tempting, it can lead to inflammation of the skin, acne scarring and worsening of acne. If you have active acne, there are a number of treatments that can help, including laser skin re-surfacing. The NLITE-V laser in particular has been recognised as one of the most effective acne treatments, using light energy to reduce the bacteria that causes the breakouts.

Say Goodbye to those Scars

Though the spots may have disappeared, the scars may still be around to remind you of your acne. This can be just as distressing as the condition itself, but it can be treated using acne scarring treatments such as dermaroller treatment or laser treatment.

Following these simple skin care tips can transform your skin, if you stick to them! Start incorporating these changes into your routine and you will soon see the results of your consistency. Your skin is extremely important, so you must take care of it – and what better time than now! All of the procedures mentioned above are available at our Manchester skin clinic, along with a number of special January offers on skin care treatments. Book your consultation online, or phone us on 0161 839 7663.

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