
Skin Treatments Perfect for Battling Winter Skin

21 December 2015

Treatments for Winter Skin | Skin MedicalFrom the moment winter approaches, your skin can begin to feel the affects. The cold, chilly weather can lead to your skin becoming dry and scaly, or it may trigger your rosacea and bring on thread veins on the face, or just lead to general blushing and flushing.

Unfortunately, winter is also party season. With a mountain of Christmas and new year parties to attend, can you really afford to have dull looking, dry skin? When moisturiser just doesn’t cut it anymore, there are a number of cosmetic skin treatments that will give you glowing summer skin all year round.

Chemical Skin Peels
Chemical skin peels are a fantastic way of rejuvenating dull skin, as well as treating pigmentation problems and acne. This treatment works by removing the dead skin cells of the surface of the face, to expose fresher and healthier skin that lies underneath. Chemical skin peels aren’t as harsh as you may think, there are gentle treatments that are suitable for even the most sensitive winter skin.

Microdermabrasion also work to remove the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin, making it look dull and grey. This treatment is a more natural way of rejuvenating the skin. It works by crystals gently being passed over the skin, which removes old, dead or flaky skin, which is the sucked away by a soft vacuum. These crystals exfoliate and polish the skin beneath, making your skin look refreshed and supple.

Not all skin is the same, therefore it is best to talk through the treatments available for your skin with one of our practitioners. We can create a tailored skin care plan to give you the best results. Contact us today to book a consultation and find out more about our new finance options available on a number of treatments.

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