
Everything You Need to Know about Laser Hair Removal

11 December 2015

Laser Hair Removal Manchester | Skin MedicalMany women (and men) yearn for a life without shaving. No more ingrown hairs, irritable shaving rashes or nasty cuts to worry about. Whilst years ago this may have been a pipe-dream, new developments in the cosmetic industry mean that laser hair removal is now more affordable, accessible and effective than it has ever previously been.

Permanent hair removal can sound like a daunting prospect, however the benefits of this procedure can have some lifelong, not to mention astonishing benefits. If you are on the fence about laser hair removal, we have gathered the most commonly asked questions regarding the procedure, to give you a brief on everything you need to know about laser hair removal.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

The science behind laser hair removal is simple yet incredibly effective. Lasers, used pulsed light to target, break down and then destroy the dark pigment, known as melanin, in the hair follicle. Although melanin is in both the skin and the hair, laser hair removal only targets the melanin in the hair, making it perfectly safe, when carried out by a qualified clinician.

Is Laser Hair Removal Better Than Waxing?

Laser hair removal produces much better results than waxing, threading or any other form of hair removal. For fewer (less painful) treatments, you can expect to cut out the monthly maintenance that is required with waxing, not to mention the awkward growth stage in between. Depending on your type of hair, just a few appointments can give you permanent results.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

You may feel some slight discomfort with laser hair removal, however it is much more comfortable than other forms of hair removal, such as waxing and epilating. What’s more, one of the main benefits of laser hair removal is that it requires much less treatments, so once you have endured around six to eight sessions, you shouldn’t need to continue with treatment.

Can Anyone Have Laser Hair Removal?

Most skin types are responsive to laser hair removal, however it can be more difficult for darker skin tones.

This is because the laser attacks melanin in order to destroy the hair, however darker skin has higher levels of melanin making the process a little more complicated. Skin Medical use technology that has much higher success rates with darker skin than many other models currently being used in the industry. If you do have darker skin it is extremely important that you seek professional medical advice on your best course of treatment.

How Long Does it Take?

Depending on the area being treated, laser hair removal can take anything from 30 minutes to a few hours. Typically, the upper lip could take around 30 minutes, where as somewhere such as the legs will take just under two hours.

Following treatment, the hair should begin to shed within 10 to 14 days.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Although laser hair removal is a relatively safe procedure, it should only ever be carried out by a medical clinician. Many high street laser hair removal clinics do not meet the standards of excellence that can be expected at Skin Medical. Each practicing member of our staff has the medical knowledge and experience to ensure that you are in safe hands.

To find out more information, or to book a consultation, contact us today on 0161 839 7663.  

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