
Skin Tightening With ActiveFX

12 February 2014

About the ActiveFX (TM) Procedure

The ActiveFX procedure works by applying the CO2 laser energy in a very narrow, scanned beam. This results in the creation of very tiny columns of thermal damage that penetrate deep down to the dermis and stimulate the growth of new collagen. The energy is applied in a “fractional” way: that is, the tiny columns of thermal damage are spaced so that tissue between each is spared. This results in a faster healing process.

ActiveFX differs from other aesthetic procedures employing fractional approaches because it uses CO2 laser energy, which is considered by many the optimal treatment for photoaged and environmentally damaged skin.

CO2 energy is the ideal because it treats the areas of discoloration closer to the surface and also penetrates deep into the dermis, eliminating damaged cells and stimulating the growth of new collagen. This new collagen lifts and supports the skin’s surface. For patients desiring dramatic results and willing to accept downtime, traditional CO2 resurfacing remains a very good option. However, for active patients desiring significant effects, such as skin tightening, wrinkle reduction, and skin texture improvement, from a single treatment with very little downtime, the ActiveFX procedure provides an exciting alternative.

The ActiveFX procedure is a unique, proprietary application of the Lumenis UltraPulse(R) Encore(TM) system. This system uses CO2 laser energy to perform ActiveFX and other skin rejuvenation procedures, as well as various incisional and excisional dermatologic and surgical procedures.

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