
Muscle Relaxing Injection, Fillers, Cosmetics and the Media

12 February 2014

Over the past year the profile of Muscle Relaxing Injection and injectable aesthetic treatments has gained a greater prominence in the news and media due in part to the PIP scandal and to the winner of The Apprentice opening her own clinic. While there has been a greater regulation of Muscle Relaxing Injection and some other aspects of the aesthetic industry following the PIP scandal, there is still a way to go before the cosmetic industry can be regarded as being sufficiently regulated: take for example the fact that there is no required qualification to administer dermal fillers.

In addition to regulatory measures being given to some procedures, such as only qualified medical prescribers being able to prescribe and administer Muscle Relaxing Injection, greater regulations have been given to advertising practices within the aesthetics industry. As such, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) have called into question the validity of giving Dr Leah Totton money towards opening an aesthetic clinic as a prize in a competition, The Apprentice, considering Sir Bruce Keogh has called a ban on giving cosmetic procedures as a competition prize.

Having opened her clinic, Dr Leah, in January, Totton has been given some significant media coverage. The article below (after the jump) raises interesting questions about professional accountability for aesthetic professionals as well as perceptions surrounding the aesthetics industry and treatments that are given.

Muscle Relaxing Injection, fillers and other cosmetic procedures are becoming increasingly popular, and having cosmetic procedures no longer has the same stigma that previously was the case. Indeed, due to this rise in popularity, it is even more important that we are to have a greater regulation of the cosmetics industry. While an increasing number of people are looking to have these cosmetic treatments at younger ages, it is no surprise that some opportunists try to exploit this demand for profit even when they are not sufficiently qualified or when treatments are not suitable for patients.

It is important that anyone looking to have any cosmetic procedure goes to a clinic that is properly regulated by the Care Quality Commission, and that the procedure is performed by a qualified, and ideally experienced, practitioner. While many people are looking for the best possible deal, remember that when it comes to medical procedures (which Muscle Relaxing Injection, being a prescription-only medicine, is) this is not something that you would want to cut corners on in order to save a few pennies: remember, this is your face or body. Additional costs or dissatisfaction with a poorly administered treatment far outweighs the extra money you may have to pay at a reputable clinic and with a qualified, experienced practitioner.

At Skin Medical in Manchester and Leeds, all of our practitioners have at least 5 years’ experience working in aesthetic medicine. We are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission, and quality of treatment, transparency of advice, and good medical and ethical practice remains at the centre of our philosophy.

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